Workshops & Programs

🍪 How to Feel in Control Around Food Without Rules
You'll learn:
- A step-by-step process on working through your "bad" or "forbidden" foods
- Journaling prompts to help you understand your relationship with those foods & how to improve it
- A clear explanation of how to get rid of your food rules without making new rules/counting calories/restricting

🙃 Nourish Your Emotions: Building Healthy Coping Skills Beyond Food
You'll learn:
- What emotional eating is & why you cope with food
- How to decide what coping skill is the best for you in the moment
- A step-by-step emotional coping formula that will help you narrow down what you need and how you want to feel

Be Your Own Hype-Human: How to Change Your Self-Talk & Body Image
You'll learn:
- How to change your negative self-talk to positive & how it impacts your body image
- About body grief and how diet culture beliefs have undermined the way you think about yourself
- How to get towards Body Liberation from Hatred
- How to focus on your relationship with your body instead of how much weight you "need to lose" in order to be confident or worthy